Your planning checklist

  1. Use the My Projected Pension tool to work out how much you could get in retirement
  2. Start a retirement budget using your results from the planner tool
  3. Find out what your options are when you reach 55
  4. Find out when you’re due to receive your State Pension
  5. Get financial advice. A financial adviser will help you finalise your plans and get the most of your money

Picturing your retirement isn’t always easy, especially if it’s still a while off.

Picture it

  1. The My Projected Pension tool on MyCitiPension will help you plan how much you need for your future, and how you can take your money.

  2. Sign in to the site to start building a picture of your future.

  3. Add in any other pension savings and use the slider on the left to fine-tune your requirements.

Plan it

If after using the tools on MyCitiPension, you need further help, use the FAQ help available on the site, or contact the helpline. The site also stores all of the useful guides about the Plan. Or, you could even ask an Independent Financial Advisor.

Enjoy it!

You’ve worked hard to get here, make sure you enjoy your retirement! Have you thought about:

Keeping on working?
Sharing your knowledge?
Taking up a new skill or hobby?
Staying active?

By considering doing some, or all of these, you’ll be able to keep your retirement years happy and healthy.