Five good savings habits

  1. Regularly review how much you’re paying. If you can afford to increase your payments, now’s a good time.
  2. Use the My Projected Pension tool to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.
  3. Make changes to your payments at any time on SELECT
  4. Go to MyCitiPension to review your investments and when you’re expecting to access your money so it’s in line with your retirement plans.
  5. Check that your Expression of Wish instruction is up-to-date.

You might be getting closer to taking your money, but you’ve still got time to make changes that will get things back on track.

Your contributions

Sign in to MyCitiPension and have a look at what’s been paid in so far. Could you be doing more?

You can always use the My Projected Pension tool there to see what it could get you in retirement.

Did you know you can use the planner to add in any other pensions you might have too? It’s a good way to look at the bigger picture.

If you want to increase your regular payments, you can go to SELECT and make changes.

Your investments

You’ve got plenty of investment options as a Citi Plan member. A good place to start might be to consider the three ‘lifestyle’ options available.

The Lifestyle approaches aim to reduce some of the risks involved with investing and fit with a specific retirement option in mind.