Now’s the right time to make sure that your investments match your retirement plans.

You’ve got plenty of investment options as a Citi Plan member, but a good place to start might be the three ‘lifestyle’ funds available.

The Lifestyle approaches aim to reduce some of the risks involved with investing and fit with a specific retirement option in mind:

  1. The Drawdown Lifestyle: this is the default for the Citi Plan. If you haven’t made any investment changes, this is where your money will be. It’s invested in a way that is appropriate for you if you will draw income from your Lifestyle pension savings in retirement, bit by bit, as and when you want.
  2. The Annuity Lifestyle: invests in a way that is appropriate for you if you choose to take 25% as tax-free cash and use the balance of your Lifestyle pension savings to buy an annuity.
  3. The Cash Lifestyle: this option invests in a way that is appropriate for you if you intend to take all of your Lifestyle pension savings as cash when you retire.

Find out more by going to MyCitiPension, then to the News and Guides > Plan Library section, or go to My Pension > My Investments